Marty’s got civics covered!! But first, he gets the lowdown from Spirited Kenny on his Blue Bomber gameday experience last Friday, when the locals edged the Calgary Stampeders to go 6-0 in the CFL West. It’s a funny change of pace and provides a chance to hear Kenny talk about the stadium atmosphere, the fans, the game, and his evaluation of the team’s biggest strength.

At 6.00, we review how we were all over the controversy surrounding Winnipeg police chief Danny Smyth, even before Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson voiced her concerns last week. An email from Coun. Markus Chambers about our coverage and public concern leads off, then we try to recount the he said/she said between the police chief and Premier in the last few days. Smyth is pretty smug and dismissive, while claiming to be above politics. ⁠The City Circus column⁠ published a few hours before Stefanson spoke to the police union head, explained what the MSM is missing – Smyth attends opposition party events and remarkably, the NDP has no criticism of Smyth’s lax attitude to crime victims. Who exactly has been positioning themselves for ‘perceived political advantage’?  

At 18.20 we swing to the surprise interview we snagged with Mayoral candidate Don Woodstock. Marty had gone to cover the Keystone Party launch last Friday and Don attended to meet the public. Hear Woodstock pull no punches:”The only reason (Gillingham) has picked up momentum is because they are trying to rig the system again… They probably would have egged (Bowman) as he walked on stage… anybody telling you they’re riding his coattail and his issue and they have momentum and they have 40%, they’re trying to lie to the public. The public don’t want another Bowman.

 “If they buddy up to the status quo the media will be nice to them and push them over the edge. And even if they don’t win they get second so they can look for a job somewhere else… Rana Bakhari’s looking for work, Glen Murray’s looking for work, Scott Gillingham is looking for work.

Outside of politics they have nothing to do.”  

Citing his success in business, he says ‘time is money’, and believes other candidates don’t take business seriously. Woodstock also mentions the courts are failing Winnipeg “big time.. an inept system of courts and justice.””Win lose or draw, I’m not going to stop.” 

Next at 28.00 we touch on Woodstock’s role as a frank-talking outsider who deals with public safety; do any of the other candidates ever drive around at 3 AM and see what’s happening out there? Then- a round of robocalls by another Mayoral candidate, Robert-Falcon Ouellette; and a segment sorting out a skirmish between Scott Gillingham and Glen Murray that flared up on Twitter. 

At 33.00 hear us compare stories by CBC and the Winnipeg Sun; to us, it appears Murray was inadequately informed about a fund for immigration support the city had actually handed off to respected non-profits to handle 4 years ago. We also talk thru the 5 point program Murray has staked his campaign on, and his signaling a strongarm-style ultra-Green regime, if returned to the office he walked away from in 2004.   There’s some general talk about other council candidates we are trying to line up for the show, and a follow-up to⁠ our interview with Mynarski upstart Aaron McDowell,⁠ also, why Marty agrees at least a few libraries should be open on Sunday.

To end the show- hear Marty imitate how Justin Trudeau got that great new haircut!