Another mid-week edition focuses on a Mayoral candidate who speaks from the inner city, Don Woodstock. He held a press conference on Wednesday, challenging Glen Murray to sign a Winnipeg Mayoral Service Agreement promising to serve the full term – unlike his last whirl in the Mayor’s chair – if elected Mayor on October 26. 

3.10 Don Woodstock told the media: “Glen Murray is a habitual quitter and Winnipeg should not trust him.” Reviewing the chronological history of Murray repeatedly getting elected and walking out before the end of his term, Woodstock reminds that the 2004 by-election cost Winnipeg taxpayers $2M. He questions why Murray left public life in 2018 for a ‘dream job’ at the Pembina Institute, but quit soon after. Hear how he thinks Murray might again be lured away from City Hall.“Who leaves their dream job less than a year in? Because, Glen Murray is a habitual quitter… he quit on the people of 3 cities – Winnipeg, Toronto and Calgary.” 

6.20  Marty explains the history behind Woodstock’s talking points about Murray’s career moves. He gives some background on the Caledon land development controversy that Murray inexplicably waded into, then asks Woodstock about it.

11.20  Woodstock takes off the gloves, rejecting Murray’s different explanations for his apparent intimidation (as a cabinet minister) of Ontario mayor Marolyn Morrison in 2014 to help a housing developer. “We’ve had our fair share of that kind of politics. Winnipegers, we should be sick and tired of it by now (and) guard ourselves from anybody who is affiliated with that kind of politics. That kind of politics have no kind of business in our city hall.” 

12.23  Marty details the criminal activity that victimized Morrison⁠for opposing a developer who Murray was supporting.⁠ He believes Winnipeg is wiser and more cynical towards corruption in City Hall nowadays – and asks Woodstock about endorsements from the likes of Gail Asper.

16.40  Woodstock identifies the choice for voters: he asserts that Mayoral hopeful Coun. Scott Gillingham and both Gail Asper and Glen Murray represent “that same old big old boys club… that think they have a right to this city. They think they own us all and they turn their nose up at us.”

17.47  Marty explores how Woodstock sees this race by going back to the 80’s: His mentor Yoram Hamizarachi saw how ‘blue ribbon panels’ of elitists did anything to maintain their hold on Winnipeg. Woodstock says it hasn’t changed and that’s why Asper et al don’t take responsibility after they endorsed Brian Bowman 4 years ago — yet now claim the city is dangerous and decrepit! 22.47  Woodstock explained he wasn’t a “status jumper” – the difference between his previous runs for public office and Murray’s.“He went for greener pastures, why? because he’s a habitual quitter… which company you know, small or large, would hire somebody with Glen Murray’s track record for quitting? Which one. Tell me. The answer is none.” 

24.15  The final segment recaps Woodstock’s theme: a career politician like Glen Murray is the candidate of the elite and an old boys club, who admire his upward mobility. But Marty wonders if the “down on earth where there’s needles on the boulevard” people of Winnipeg value loyalty and integrity more. TGCTS is the only place to hear extended audio!

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