On Wednesday, about 100 people gathered in Assiniboine Park to hear Councilor Kevin Klein declare he was aiming for the top spot at 510 Main Street.“
The system is broken. The system is not working for you.” After winning election in 2018 as the representative for the ward of Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood, Klein spoke his mind at City Hall and established that he was no fan of the approach Mayor Brian Bowman took to Councilors or to the taxpayers.
Marty Gold was at the campaign launch and in this episode, he describes who announced their endorsement of Klein at the event. He discusses some of the specific comments Klein made about public safety, and on the treatment of residents, public service unions, and community groups (like Wise Up Winnipeg) when they raise concerns to council and bureaucrats.
At 5.10 – You’ll hear Kevin Klein give his promise of how leadership will be delivered if he is elected – “They all want to hang on to the EPC system… (his administration) will hear the truth of what’s going on on the streets of Winnipeg…. Respect, bravery, listening to learn, collaborative teamwork – that’s real leadership.” He promised to establish a Council Information Officer and insisted the City needs to add more ambulances and cop cars.
At 11.10 – Marty reviews Klein’s remarks and sets up another short clip, where Klein mentioned an issue we had discussed in our interview with Mynarski candidate Aaron McDowell – the new North End police station.
At 14.45 – Listen to why Klein maintains that that new police station is a serious misstep. He claims the construction plan is based on old standards that exceeds both the reality of how current district police stations operate, AND the ability of taxpayers to pay for.
At 15.44 – Marty returns to wrap up the Klein launch coverage and touches on how this might shift support among the field on the political right. He comments on a few other candidates and on reaction to our coverage of the Probe Poll last week that placed Glen Murray in front of the pack, and reflects some views he’s heard of Murray’s campaign and political history. A short and fast-paced 23 minute episode!
ONLY TGCTS will give Mayoral and Council candidates extended airtime to introduce their campaign ideas to the voters. We enhance democracy by bringing more information to Winnipeg voters, with reporting the public does not get from CBC and other government-funded newsrooms. We rely on you! Support our independent reporting today and share this podcast about the Winnipeg election.
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* More election interviews coming soon! *