5:00  We note ⁠the passing of ‘climate crisis’ debunker Dr. Tim Ball⁠, who supported us on Kick-Fm and Shaw-TV. Here is ⁠one of his excellent videos⁠.

11:30  The flyer of St. Boniface candidate Marcel Boille makes some important points about how St. B has lost out by joining Unicity and watching their tax dollars go to “Winnipeg” and got nothing in return except for spiraling crime rates and deteriorating services. He touts separation but Spirited Kenny doesn’t think it’s very realistic (Headingley anyone?)

22:00  Glen Murray claims the city has gone to shit and only he can fix it, BUT he always A) leaves out the responsibility of Mayor Brian Bowman and B) never mentions that the first thing he did when he retruned to the city in 2018 was to… endorse Brian Bowman. Listen to Bowman’s hint why Murray won’t dare speak truth to power at City Hall. 

25:40  Glen Murray tried to guilt Winnipeggers into picking up the tab to restore Thunderbird House. we tell the truth about why it failed – a $40k air conditioner it didn’t need and irresponsible governance. Meanwhile Robbie Ouellette says he’d move the Mayor’s office there.  

37:00 – The media loves to tell about how *certain* politicians endured childhood poverty and family struggles, but the Free Press proves that it isn’t only the kind of ‘disadvantaged’ folks usually promoted. Hear of 2 unexpected tales of mayoral hopefuls who overcame the odds to build successful careers, ⁠Kevin Klein⁠ (who spent time in a Sally Ann shelter) in corporate media, and ⁠Jenny Motkaluk⁠ – who went to University at age 16 and earned advanced science degrees before her successful careers in sales and business consulting. 

47:25 – CBC has⁠ a list of Mayoral campaign planks⁠ and a discussion about how complete/accurate it is. For instance the Motkaluk housing plan had a ‘help the homeless’ component CBC missed, but she is way ahead in Arts and Culture proposals; meanwhile the Scott Gillingham camp was satisfied overall but added a few notes we pass along.  

52:00 – RFO’s transit ideas – like a buck a ride and allowing tap payment – get a good/sceptical look, as does Klein’s ‘trailers for the homeless’ concept. We go over the CBC investigative report on Glen Murray’s departure from the Pembina Institute which ⁠Marty also discussed here⁠. Was this Murray’s “Principal Skinner” moment? ⁠Tom Brodbeck rejected his apology⁠ and Kenny remarked “It’s the same old Glen no matter where he goes.”  We then recap the Motkaluk promises to fund the Santa Claus parade and other events like Cruise Nites to ⁠build civic spirit⁠.

1:10:50 – Part 2 Crime, crime and more crime – and 2 more murders. Marty thinks this election may lead to a serious discussion of the concept of Unicity as a whole.