In Episode 4 of Season 2, we cover civic, provincial and even some federal issues in three scintillating segments:  

Marty updates last week’s popular recap of the PC caucus turnover. Insider info he got further dispells the ‘abandoning ship’ narrative of the media. Listen for a few more points about Premier Stefanson’s health, and about her reshuffling senior staff positions. The Free Press slanted the story right from the get-go, and along with the rest of the MSM didn’t even try to ask questions about the winner of the shuffle.  

10.20 You’ll want to hear the information Marty dug up about the new Clerk of the Executive Council, Kathryn Gerrard. While the media might tell you she’s “the head of the civil service”, they don’t tell you what Kathie was doing 10 years ago. It makes her path to becoming the person “in charge of making sure the government runs, no matter what, 24-7” seem rather unusual. He also explains why her resume also makes her previous ascension to Deputy Minister, responsible for mental health, homeless and addictions files, hard to explain, and ponders her supposed ‘success’ in that role. 

17.25 – Part 2 – Last week Spirited Kenny nailed the lazy media reporting of the anti-car lobby project to lower speed limits in Winnipeg. Did jargon-y civic reports – a Brian Bowman legacy – actually bolster their campaign? One councilor is against incomprehensible administration reports, but spearheaded the 30K car-crawl idea. If that’s the case, we try to figure out was Coun. Lukes for it, before she was against it? What did councilors discuss at their planning retreat in Elkhorn this weekend? Was it how a teenager heading to class was outrageously tossed off a Route 19 bus when she couldn’t top up her $3.10 fare ticket with another 5 cents? We have the details.  

35.35 Kenny picks apart 3 TV newsroom reports about Councilor Sherri Rollins deciding to seek a federal Liberal nomination to replace the late Jim Carr. He reviews the more likely reasons than the 3 different explanations the ‘professionals’ ran with, and compares the facts to the media spin. Her past political donations weren’t reported in MSM – but we do. Hear why Kenny and Marty both believe Mayor Gillingham has to rethink the conflict of interest of any councilor serving on EPC while actively eyeing federal office.     

1.03.27 – Part 3 – After a throwback audio break, the Crime Report: – An attempted 6 AM dognapping near U of W has cops looking for 2 women with bear spray, who ate a knuckle sandwich instead.  – More bear spray near Polo Park! We ask which adults are held responsible, since both shoplifters resisting arrest that afternoon are way under 18. – A startling report on violence in Manitoba helps explain why youth violence and criminal behavior is exploding – hear the words of a former gang member now educating kids: “I wanted to emulate some of the people I saw doing these things.” Manitoba has the highest violence rate of any Canadian province. We share the numbers which prove males in our province are 2x more likely to be a victim of assault compared to the Canadian average. Wait till you hear how bad it is in the north.  

1.20.00: A surprise for Kenny! At the end of the show, he learns his ‘favorite’ Free Press newspaper typist has left the Mountain Avenue mausoleum. He adds some colourful comments.

We agree with the departing message of their final column – support local journalism – just NOT the Trudeau-funded kind.

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