A special commentary – A Lesson in Journalism – is the focus of a mid-week solo podcast by Marty. But this fast-paced lesson isn’t so much taught by him, but rather, by a surprise fact-filled online post.

We had flagged a Winnipeg Free Press story that was a continuation of their slanted campaign to undermine Premier Heather Stefanson. After last week’s speech in Winnipeg by federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre before 500 ticket buyers, one of the broadsheet’s crack anti-Tory reporters pounced again. You’ll hear every dirty rotten name and insinuation that was tossed at Stefanson, Poilievre, and the group that hosted his speech at the Convention Centre, which has “published reports calling for the abolition of the Indian Act, something Poilievre has also publicly endorsed.”

Keep  in mind, no one outside of the Free Press supports the Indian Act. But using the standard tools like an “expert” political scientist and a banal potshot from a nobody NDP MLA, the Trudeau-funded newspaper basically tried to criminalize the most normal human activity there is – LISTENING. Because of who was speaking, at a “flashpoint organization.” That’s code for “racist”.

9:20  Of course CBC Winnipeg also climbed on the bandwagon, cultivating disparaging quotes from federal cabinet members professing their indignation about the luddites hearing the Official Opposition offering a different point of view on First Nations-related policy and other public concerns. 

11:00  It isn’t often that a mainstream journalist calls out the other newsrooms. But after the smear campaign reached a fever pitch, Marty found that someone else who covered the event had a ‘Popeye moment’, and piped up on Facebook.

This situation is a prime example why public trust in legacy media so-called “journalism” continues to scrape the bottom.  The far-left slant of their reporting is trying to poison community debate and discussion, foster incivility and divide the community.   That’s why supporting independent news media,  especially those like ours, with years of experience and substantial institutional memory, is so important to the health of public debate and public affairs.

We will always speak up when people attending a public event to listen to an elected representative- and that speaker – are literally smeared and defamed, by major league bleaters like CBC and the Free Press that are funded by the government.  To end this episode — Marty makes a pitch for listener support, to ensure TGCTS can continue to get important and relevant information on the public record, hold the media to account, and play a role in the ecosystem of Winnipeg and Manitoba media. 

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Hey! Here’s a clip from today’s episode: