Episode 23 has updates on our recent newsmaking investigative stories; audio with an insightful Canadian history lesson; and exclusive details about the Polo Park machete attack on 4 kids – and who is supporting the accused young offender.

Last week’s Special Report is now the most listened to episode of TGCTS since our re-launch.

Listen to ⁠East St. Paul Parents Stop School From Canceling Mother’s Day⁠

Since that podcast, we learned the school principal gave an evolving explanation for trying and failing to cancel Mother’s Day. His E-Memo on May 5 plainly stated Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton school had arbitrarily enacted “a transition to a more inclusive practice” as “we have moved away from isolated observances of specific traditions like Mother’s and Father’s Day”.

When a mother said she was relieved by his reversal of the edict, he mentioned the “intent” of the “school leadership team” – which he didn’t disclose when Marty Gold first started asking questions. It’s obvious the idea had nothing to do with ‘being sensitive’ to kids in “traumatic situations.” Marty explains how the failed gambit ties into the pattern across the country of schools reinstating Mother’s Day after they got caught undermining community values.

Media chasing our story tried to smear parents in East St. Paul for being “traditionalists” and against “inclusion”. We will have a Special Report in a few days to expose the newsroom bias against those families and provide a Lesson in Woke Journalism.

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12:26 The War on Cars in Winnipeg – our recent series ⁠exposing how bike lanes are being snuck into St. Boniface ⁠is the tip of the iceberg. Marty attended the Portage and Main Open House on Day 1 – and got consultants to admit they left transportation sectors out of discussions. He thinks councilors need to be shown photos of the display placards- there was a lot of pushback on the anti-car urbanist concepts from sceptical attendees with common sense observations. One proposal, however, got almost unanimous support councilors should be informed of.

Marty discusses the New Urbanism movement that tries to achieve policy goals by infiltrating government planning and rigged public consultation processes instead of winning support at the ballot box. The newly-announced Osborne Village plan is another ‘supported by the Biz’ concept – Marty asks, what if the Biz in St. Boniface opposed Moving on Marion bike lanes? If they say “no way” to throttling traffic and killing commerce- would they get their way? Maybe that’s why ⁠the Open House didn’t mention the 99 parking spots at risk in St. B⁠.

Meanwhile, tricks to silence unsupportive stakeholders in Brandon backfired, as people pushed back. CBC immediately labeled them as promoting a “conspiracy theory” about 15 minute cities.

But it’s no conspiracy theory. We explain how it is being imposed in England and will kill off normal, acceptable social activities like the symphony, and deconstruct the night-time economy in the name of “climate crisis.” The perverse ideology to disrupt your community is pushed by a well-connected, funded lobby with professional organization- we speak for the rest of you.

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32:37 – We present another short audio of Conrad Black speaking at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He discussed the significance of Canada coming into being. and how it fit into the global and regional political landscape of that era. Well worth a listen!

43:17 – Crime Courts & Public Safety – Exclusive details how a 16 year old with a machete stalked 4 younger teens boys at Polo Park mall. It’s crystallized the fear for parents and kids to be able to go anywhere in Winnipeg and be safe. The thug targeted one kid and broke bones, then unleashed life-altering violence- but his mom blames CFS. Who is being held responsible?