In Part 1 of Episode 31 – why supporting the work of TGCTS is important for Winnipeg residents, voters and business owners: You can trust our findings and our reports.

As for the ‘trusted media’? Well… trying to conceal that an underage teen drove the getaway car from a liquor mart robbery and rammed a cop car to evade arrest before being shot; pretending the drop in the poll numbers for Wab Kinew’s NDP wasn’t happening; etc. etc.

When we saw the trend line for Manitoba election polling, our listeners heard about it. ALONE in the media landscape we said this was a horserace, even if the public doesn’t really want to bet on either horse. Hear how last week’s Free Press/Probe poll has led to a complete obliteration of the Free Press narrative that Premier Heather Stefanson “has been unable to move the needle in public opinion polls”.

As Marty Gold explains, dismissing how “the lucky pundits predicted” a dead heat shows how out of touch corporate newsrooms are from voter reality.

To the chagrin of the newsroom experts, while tax cuts may not have been a “Top Ten” issue in voter priority polls, when 4 figure rebate cheques landed in mailboxes, it still had the desired effect of helping the cash flow of Manitobans battling inflation and pump a few more voters into the PC Party column.

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14:58 Part 2 – Our crime courts and public safety analysis continues to get compliments – and important tips about danger lurking in St. Boniface around prominent area parks.

– Whether it’s a group of homeless criminals running an open-air chop shop or a single suspicious creep scoping out who to victimize next, that community faces increased risks. As open drug use on residential street corners diminishes the confidence of homeowners in their safety, another emerging issue in St. B is whether violent crime in the area south of Marion Street, is being fueled by the wards of numerous group homes.

– Public revulsion towards pathologically violent teenagers was reached after the death of the 17 year old boy last week in defending his mother and sisters from a swarming mob.

– With a 14 year old boy charged with murder and a 15 year old girl charged with ADW – and about 8 other suspects still at large – the mood in Winnipeg is not on ‘root causes’. In the wake of the savage attack on Graham Ave. a block from the front door of the downtown police station, Mayor Gillingham touted he had help on the way. Hear the common-sense comments from concerned citizens about the murder and about “the bleeding hearts” who refuse to acknowledge that “at 14 and 15 you’re old enough to know right from wrong and what stabbing someone can do.”

– Capping off the crime round-up is yet another Level 5 offender – our longtime term for stolen car drivers who aim at cops. A woman who’s been in the news before ping pong around downtown. Ever wonder how much the damage to public service vehicles – it isn’t just cop cars – and lost injury time is costing us?

COMING SOON: It’s Assiniboine Avenue in 2010 all over again. The City has put the screws to ordinary residents and business owners from Arlington to Archibald- and as we’ve learned, to health care employees and patients and visitors.

No one else has reported the extensive tension being caused yet again, by the City of Winnipeg engaging in deceptive, slanted “public consultations” for bike lanes. Our next follow-up will reveal there’s a 3rd local business zone battling biased “bike lane processes.”

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