Another in our series of interviews with elected officials, as North Kildonan councilor Jeff Browaty steps up to the plate in Episode 24.

Part 1- Marty recaps his recent reports in the Winnipeg Sun about ⁠riverbank homeless encampments⁠ and the⁠ town hall held by St. Vital councilor Brian Mayes.⁠

7.40 Part 2- Jeff Browaty has guested on TGCTS since he was first elected, and is always ready to talk about City Hall.

First he’s asked about homelessness and crime in his ward- while “not an ongoing, persistent issue,” as in other wards, he says, “we’re on it.”

13.00- Browaty shares concerns about our Sun report describing garbage and filth piling up on the banks of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, and the effect on the adjacent communities and on boaters. He was surprised by how many encampments we identified, and confirms that City Council does not get regular reports on encampments.

Other ward problems includes poor road conditions and potholes on regional roads. He’s also concerned about planned bridge repairs on Lagimodiere at Concordia that will reduce traffic to only 2 lanes- and is urging Public Works to get any work needed on Henderson in 2025.

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21.00– Although the transit piece of the city Transportation2050 plan is being re-examined because of council voting to scale back the new transit garage, Browaty says “I’m not convinced” promised bus service levels won’t be met.

– He reveals there’s an idea to keep the to-be-mothballed North Main bus garage in use, rather than sell it off.

24.00– While city officials intend to study adding light rail to the public transit menu, Browaty recognizes the huge costs and relative lack of environmental benefits may work against the concept. “Building these new super-dense suburbs” is adding to gridlock.

27.00 While he only uses transit service a few times a month, Browaty has seen plenty of incidents that illustrate the public disorder and danger users face.

“I don’t feel particularly safe, to be honest, Marty.”

Hear him describe what he saw on a Sunday bus trip on the 11 Route in August, including open drug and alcohol use.

33.00 Part 3- As chair of the Finance Committee, Browaty is trying to keep revenue flowing in to 510 Main Street- but rejects calls for a City Sales Tax, citing the affordability crisis.

– On overall debt- “We’re lower than the average” among Canadian cities and “we’re fairly prudent in terms of the amount of debt we have.”

– It’s the “gorilla in the room” for taxpayers.

The five-term councillor is “really worried about the upcoming Water and Sewer Rate Report.” It’s due out around the New Year.

The skyrocketing north end treatment plant costs need support from the province and feds. Without it, Browaty says, there’s a risk water and sewer bills could exceed property tax bills.

– Within 3 or 4 years, adding new subdivisions could be off the table unless sewage capacity is increased.

39.20- A talk about the responsibility of long-time councillors like Browaty and others who served on Brian Bowman’s EPC and went along with his high-priced schemes. The City only has about $150M in borrowing space left.

Recent studies and polls show a crisis of crime and violence in Winnipeg- and that the public isn’t confident in City Hall’s ability to deal with it. Browaty points a finger at Justin Trudeau’s revolving door justice, and wants more and better policing.

“I’m as frustrated as anybody else,” he says, and notes “the Premier is saying the right things” about crime. In terms of hiring a new police chief, “we also need somebody who understands what we need to do to stop people from going down the downward spirals.”

You’ll hear more soon from Councillor Browaty about the WMR Plan20-50!


RMs ask province to let them out of Manitoba’s Metro Plan20-50