Episode 29 looks at a few key issues that we’ve been reporting on, and puts some important new concerns on the table.
Part 1- In Thursday’s Winnipeg Sun, Marty Gold reveals hidden details that city officials and the broadcast media didn’t want you to know about as a lawless homeless encampment in West Broadway. Click here to read Winnipeg refuses to oust homeless camp with crime, safety issues
– Coming in Sunday’s column- more from stakeholders about the frustrating refusal of Mayor Gillingham and City officials to clean up the illegal camps behind 300 Assiniboine.
8.30 – Hear how CBC deliberately distorted comments by Coun. Cindy Gilroy to favour the homeless campers and not the victims of the ongoing mayhem.
She was talking about where they are being allowed- the same theme our reporting has been focusing. Meanwhile, who decided there’s no count being kept of emergency response trips to encampments? Are riverbank property owners are being used as political pawns?
- We are only $1295 shy of the Season 5 funding target! Donors over $250 get a rare hardcover version of Retropeg- contribute to our costs via the Donate page
15.00- Another information session about Plan20-50 is being held Saturday in Howden, Mb. from 1-4 pm, at 1078 Red River Dr.
Marty discusses the topics being covered by Manitoba Stronger Together and why the central planning agenda for land development and ‘density’ should be opposed by pretty much everyone- as should divisive NDP legislation to require 300 signatures to appeal a zoning decision.
- There’s a new leader in the TGCTS all-time rankings: Episode 27 with the whistleblower exposing the Watt. Street crime central rooming house – here’s the link
23.10 Part 2- Crime Stoppers have good intentions but transit drivers tell us cops already don’t respond to serious crimes like break-ins and there’s no dedicated unit to investigate the anticipated complaints.
Focusing on passengers to call in tips is re-active, not pro-active. And with the Code of Conduct not even on the Transit main page and banned people allowed to ride anyways, the ‘It’s Your BUSiness’ campaign is smoke and mirrors.

What passengers and drivers need, is enforcement on the actual buses in real-time. The early morning assault of a driver on the 672 South Pointe route, forcing her to crawl out a window, is being cited as a reason to completely seal off transit drivers from passengers- a horrible idea that punishes the victims.
38.00 – The Gillingham plan to reconstruct Portage and Main doesn’t mention the effects on the one neighborhood most affected. Hear which councilor won’t answer the questions asked on behalf of the people of St. Boniface.
- You can contribute to the Season 5 funding campaign by E-Transfer, or send sponsorship inquiries, feedback and comments to [email protected]
41.00- Dr. Joss Reimer gets a lesson from Marty Gold in the Gary Doer concept of “think global, act local”.
Reimer got lots of airtime this week in her role as chair of the Canadian Medical Association.
“The current sick note system puts unnecessary pressure on our already overwhelmed health system,” she tweeted.

Wait till you hear which of her colleagues employed by the province requires it. Will she challenge them to change? Don’t hold your breath.
– Although the media won’t ever connect the dots, when Coun. Gilroy complains about the projected costs to clean-up the skyrocketing number of used needles dropped in inner-city parks, she’s complaining about whose vision of “harm reduction”?
That’s right, the WRHA’s Joss Reimer, matriarch of the free needle program that sacrificed the safety of Winnipeg families to cater to derelicts and criminals.
Coming up– How Mayor Gillingham’s administration hampers needle and garbage clean-up in downtown parks overrun by illegal camps; unreported incidents of antisemitism; and more special interviews!