Episode 38 focuses on how we get results!
Part 1– Transcona Councillor Russ Wyatt hosted a Christmas party on Saturday, collecting food hampers and much-needed funds for the needy in Transcona. Hear how on Monday, he took on the role of traffic cop to unsnarl shoppers in his ward.
8.38 Part 2– The Winnipeg Metro Region voted unanimously to pull Plan20-50 and discontinue the public hearings. The first anyone heard a critical word about the power-grab by the unelected body of elected municipal officials was Marty’s column in the Winnipeg Sun.
But once the flaws of the “climate change”-driven document, including insane housing density concepts and misguided and inaccurate maps, became known, the dream of Metro allowing the City of Winnipeg to have veto power over all development planning in nearby RMs was shattered. Wab Kinew’s promise to legislate an ‘out’ for dissenting RM’s helped grease the skids.

In 2021, Mayor Cheryl Christian of West St. Paul told the media, “Plan 2050 will have significant impact on all businesses, citizens and property owners living within the Winnipeg Metro Region boundaries.”
Did Mayor Gillingham ever warn us of that?
The public’s opposition shocked the media- but not us. You’ll hear a brief overview of the news- with more details coming up in the Winnipeg Sun next Sunday.
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19.08 Part 3- What led up to Wab Kinew telling reporters he’s changing course and intends to clear out lawless riverbank homeless encampments in downtown?
You can bet Marty Gold’s series of stories in the Sun about the effects on property owners and residents near the Red and Assiniboine – and revealing the proposed location of a safe injection site – created an urgency to turn away from emphasizing harm reduction ideology over public safety.

Last Sunday’s column suggesting the campers be moved to the Legislature was spurred by Coun. Cindy Gilroy touting a UN initiative she chairs in Winnipeg- which exposed how there was a two-tier approach to women’s safety by the City.
Listen to the background of the column and the obstacles to Kinew’s goal to house tent-dwellers within 30 days.
The real winner here is Marion Willis of St. Boniface Street Links who’s smart, results-oriented approach to dealing with the homeless and addictions has now been admitted as the right way to go- even if Kinew, Gillingham and “harm reduction experts” refuse to say so out loud.
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