This week, we let you hear for yourself how radical climate activists tried to entrench even more influence inside City Hall under the guise of “budget consultation”. Then, Marty explains how their subversive anti-car agenda is exposed in the rigged ‘Moving on Marion’ bike lane process we investigated in our YouTube video series.

The mainstream media leapt to defend far-left special interest lobbyists like Marianne Cerilli and assailed Coun. Jeff Browaty for daring to reply to her Community Committee presentation by noting: “Just because you’ve come to council, your opinions aren’t more important.” What was he rebutting, exactly? No one in the media actually explained what Cerilli said at the EK-Transcona meeting.But we do- and it was outrageous.

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7:46 Clip 1- Hear “healthy communities’ consultant Cerilli reveal her extreme policy goals – to cut gas use in half by forcing 50% of car users onto bikes and buses, or ride-sharing aka ‘mode shift’. 

13:47 Clip 2- In response, Browaty put the former NDP MLA in her place. He cited working folks who can’t spend hours at formal proceedings and instead speak up through talk radio shows, online posts and personally contacting their councilor. When Browaty dared suggest the ‘climate change’ reactionaries wrongly marginalize taxpayers who don’t want to “blow things up”, the name-calling revved up. Marty skewers the ridiculous blowback at Browaty and the hypocricy of the critics. 

19:34 Clip 3 – Listen to a sneering Cerilli demean the residents Browaty represents- because if they “take their kids to soccer” it’s “destroying the planet” and they are in “Climate Denial.” Her startling outburst is a clue of what’s behind repeated biased bike lane planning. The bike/eco lobby wants to burn local economies to ‘save the planet’. Almost 300 parking spaces will get sacrificed in Winnipeg’s war on cars. City bureaucrats go along with it.

21:16 TGCTS has found a city-wide pattern of discrimination in the exclusion of residents and businesses from proper consultation on bike lanes. It extends from Wolseley through Osborne Village and with ‘Moving on Marion” to St. B

The negative impacts of bike lanes and throttling roadways are never explained at Open House events orchestrated by high paid City consultants – who pick and choose which stakeholders to keep in the loop, and don’t divulge serious impacts on emergency services and the viability of local stores. One-sided reporting is a hallmark of Winnipeg legacy media- and it’s a key trick for imposing anti-car, anti-commerce bike lanes. Activists insist the City alter roadways to disrupt business, employment, and travel in local neighborhoods ‘for their own good’. As a result, we are told, in the Village “there will not be loading areas for people moving in and out, or handicapped loading or delivery drivers anywhere unless they are delivering Skip by bike.” Marty explains how next week’s Portage and Main “consultations” are clearly rigged- while ‘urban visionaries’ disregard Coun. Wyatt’s warning: “there will not only be pedestrian injuries, but there will be fatalities.” One person noted: “it was horrible to cross… at rush hour it got really scary to cross.”

34:20 Part 2 – A brief update about the passing of 2 longtime friends, Mike Phillips and Kaz Bednarchyk. Stories from SLAM! Wrestling about Mike are ⁠here⁠ and ⁠here⁠, and our ⁠YouTube video tribute to Kaz is here⁠. Also- a reminder of how pathetic rural cel service is compared to Saskatchewan and how Manitoba Hydro could help save lives in remote areas but won’t.

42:20 Part 3 – Crime Courts & Public Safety: How come Cindy Tugwell and Heritage Winnipeg can’t connect vacant properties and arson? Residents in the North End can. Hear about a racist cabbie murderer facing deportation and why a 12 year old stabbed a north end girl. 

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