TGCTS Flashback – September 6, 2019 – Wab Kinew 2019 NDP Election Strategy Included Boycott Of Two Women Journalists

, Kinew had already greased the skids underneath his party with his not-an-ultimatum to a town hall on environmental issues scheduled for the evening. And the target of his ire, Winnipeg Free Press columnist Shannon Sampert made sure everyone knew the score.  

“Wab Kinew won’t participate on tonight panel on the environment if I am a moderator so I got asked to step down” she told everyone on Twitter at noon. “I guess he didn’t like my columns.” 

Sampert, a retired political science professor at the University of Winnipeg, was one of 3 moderators for the Hotel Fort Garry event and was replaced by Molly McCracken of the “non-partisan” Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. The west end activist has held many NDP-connected jobs this century, including with the Selinger government as a Health Policy analyst.

It quicky emerged that Sampert wasn’t the first woman that Kinew refused to be questioned by.

TGCTS Flashback – August 13, 2019 – If “Crime And Fear” Emerges In The Manitoba Election – It Won’t Just Be Campaign Rhetoric

Originally Published on August 13, 2019 on the original TGCTS Blog Last summer during the Winnipeg civic election, public safety – particularly downtown and in the adjacent neighborhoods – was an early focus of the Mayoral contest. “On one issue, however, incumbents and challengers alike seem to strike the same mournful tone: public safety.” intoned Winnipeg […]