An update of our recent podcasts and Winnipeg Sun stories and a Crime and Public Safety round-up makes Episode 20 essential listening for the civic-minded of our city.

Part 1– Marty discusses his column about a West End man who had enough with shoplifters at his local 7-eleven in Metis Batman Saves Day, and his report about ⁠homeless encampments briefly appearing in Happyland Park⁠.

In addition, there’s a follow-up to ⁠our interview with St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes⁠ who has now scheduled a town hall for Sept. 23.

You’ll also hear a brief overview of misinformation being spread by Plan20-50 defenders in local media, and the criticism of Winnipeg Free Press over their coverage of the death of AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick. Both issues will get a more detailed analysis in the next week.

15.20 Part 2- We compare two comments published a week apart about now-departed police chief Danny Smyth, involving police board chair Markus Chambers.

WFP Sept. 3: “Chambers said Smyth fulfilled his mandate to reduce police overtime.” 

WFP Sept. 9: Chambers said “At a police level, you have to look adding more officers to the complement to reduce the amount of overtime,” after “the Winnipeg Police Service expects to exceed its overtime budget by $2.3 million by the end of this year…”

Which was it? Was Coun. Chambers misled before Smyth took his pension and left?

While social justice warriors proclaim policing doesn’t reduce crime, the fact is taking criminals out of circulation does do exactly that. As to the reasons for increased OT being required, Smyth’s mishandling of protest marches by inflammatory radical activists is never mentioned by MSM.

28.45- A rally decrying repeated violent incidents shattering the lives of newcomers is planned for Sept. 18th. Ukranian refugees have had enough and we have the details.


Here is how Marty’s recent stories looked in the Sun–


30.30 – Sometimes threats to public safety are rooted in poor City practices.

– Transcona homeowners still don’t have answers about why a house blew up in June taking out the neighbouring home. They also don’t understand why the City tolerates scavengers scaling the fences and picking through the rubble. We first covered that issue in City Keeps 911 Audio From Suicide Victim’s Family, after a burned-out home in November 2022 was allowed to be pillaged.

– Excuses galore are being made as the boondoggle of Centre Village on Balmoral Street is finally being demolished.

Neither U of Winnipeg professor Jino Distasio or Coun. Sherri Rollins wanted to admit to the media what the problem was- the project was a vanity project for the architects.

The “award-winning” design guaranteed ghetto conditions would prevail – and ⁠as we pointed out in Episode 27,⁠ while the neighborhood suffered from the blight after it was condemned, the City looked the other way instead of ticketing Manitoba Housing officials.

– A listener raised another failure of city officials to ward off crime and disorder- piles of bricks are left in the open, an inviting freebie for vandals to use.


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